Paying for your Dues, or Activities...

You can submit payments to MBS via the [Pay Now] button below using either a Master or Visa Credit card, or a PayPal acct (PayPal is our middleman merchant for processing all these transactions).
We are not accepting paper checks, unless you really don't even have a credit card.
If you have any difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact me.

If the PayPal online payment doesn't work for you (and it sometimes does get finicky, especially from phones or tablets), just call me and I will take your credit card information over the phone!
My cell is 847/682-4550, between 9am and 9pm CST please.

And remember to fill out all your information in the 'Online Application' page first so you are in the system to then apply your payment to!

ALSO:PLEASE (Personal Favor): PayPal does NOT talk to the MBS website directly when you pay. It sends me a personal email from which I manually come in and manually update your membership record, and SOMEtimes that email from PayPal gets lost with my 100s of other emails. So if you get another 'Please Pay' automated reminder even after you've paid, please just send me that email with an 'I Paid already ' note to draw this to my attention, with my apologies. Thanks!

MBS Secretary

Membership Credit Card Payment
Step 1: Select Payment Type....
Step 2: Select Payment....
Step 3: Enter Member's Name...
Step 4: Click Pay Now...
Payment By Phone
Membership payments, activity and other payments can be made over the phone by calling (847)682-4550

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